Wireless Community Weekend 2009
Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend 2009 | |
![]() | |
Basics | |
Date: | 22-24.05.2009 |
participants | WCW09:participants |
entrance fee: | free, but donations are welcome |
Images | on flickr |
Radio | on free Radios |
Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend 2009
Starting Friday May 22 till Sunday May 24 freifunk.net, c-base and the German community invite you to the "Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend" at the c-base space station in Berlin.
Proposed presentations include:
- open spectrum in Europe and partners
- topics CMS for mesh networks via distributed hash tables
- decentralised earch engines for mesh networks
- 6mesh implementations with IPv6
- multicasting in mesh networks
- OpenWrt and the upcoming release Kamikaze
- new Freifunk Firmware
- villagetelco and open telephony in local networks
- fpga on openpattern devices and updates for hardware
- wireless open mesh box project
- freifunk-vpn software developements, connecting the virtual public freifunk network
- freifunk/google summer of code
- olsrd and problems with fisheye, timingproblems and co
As in previous years, we will provide open spaces for the community in the c-base to discuss and work on projects. Later at night we will have a number of special guests in the evening presenting the latest creative commons hits and of course the legendary freifunk BBQ.
Background: Since 2003 the Freifunk community organises the Wireless Community Weekend during spring in Berlin. Attracting the brightest from the wireless network community the Freifunk Community Weekend has established itself as a trendsetter in the wireless world. While focusing on the community participants also come from research institutes like the Fraunhofer Institute and T-System Labs as well as from commercial actors. The event brings together more than 300 participants coming from Europe and around the world (http://global.freifunk.net). Besides the strong community in Germany participants include free wireless projects from South Africa (Meraka Institute), China (Wireless Student Network), Spain (guifi.net), Switzerland (Schweiz Wireless), Austria (funkfeuer.net), Italy (ninux.org), Russia (St. Petersburg), Denmark (Djursland.net) and the Netherlands.
- 22.-24.05.2009 at c-base berlin
- c-base space station, Rungestrasse 20 10179 Berlin Germany Terra
- c-base e.V.
- Google Map of c-base entrance
- S+U Jannowitzbrücke, City Railway and Subway Station (Info of BVG, Berlin Public Transport Company)
inside locations
- e.t.i is near cbase - in alley towards the street
- main hall
- seminar room
- IPv6 - Meshing
- Interacting Communities
- maybe "freifunk-awards" -> glory 4 the best software, community with the most useres, openwrt'app, ect.?
- Presentation of the OLSR mdns plugin developed at Ninux.org
who will be there
check out and sign in! WCW09:participants
Pre-Meeting 2009 may 20
Regular there is WaveLöten with a monthly speak called "freifunk für Fortgeschrittene" / freifunk advanced workshop.
Ascension Day 2009 May 21
wine/ beer and Hausmannskost ;)
Friday 22 May Program
You can add workshops and panels if you want to give one.
Name/Title | Time/Duration | Location | Done by | Notes | presentation Download | |
Doors open | 10:00 | c-base | organisers and you! | Having a look around c-base space station, meeting nice people, setup the event, ordering Drinks | ||
Freifunk/Google Summer of Code Meetup of students and mentors | 20:00 | river-bank c-base | ||||
Rundfreifunk vom WCW - Make some content! | 20:00 ? | ... YOU | Talk to the Community, Take a Talk with Ufo and make a small clips. You can also bring your prepaired clips with you! | Datelist "Aufzeichnungen" | ||
HackNight | 20:00 | river-bank c-base | ||||
Community Track /WLAN Community Kiezfunk.net | 21:30, 23 min | elias | What's new? | coming soon |
Saturday 23 May Program
You can add workshops and panels if you want to give one
ALL times + 3,5 h
Name/Title | Time/Duration | Location | Done by | Notes | presentation Download |
Community Track/ using wiki.freifunk.net/ workshop | 15:30, 10-20 min | not fixed yet. maybe seminarraum | keks + YOU? | approach the content | coming soon |
OLSR-NG | 16:00, 30 min | ETI-Seminarraum | Henning Rogge |
What are the projects? Where are we going ? | Vortrag |
Freifunk Summer of Code Projects | 17:00, 30 min | ETI-Seminarraum | Mario Behling |
What are the projects? Who is participating? | coming soon |
LuCI Translation Portal | 17:30, 30 min | ETI-Seminarraum | Jow + keks ![]() |
Let's translate LuCI into any language! | System located here |
Update Recht - Rechtsentwicklungen rund um offene Netze - Urteile etc. | 18:00, 45 min | ETI-Seminarraum | Reto Mantz |
Was hat sich im letzten Jahr getan? | Download Folien |
Freifunknetz in Weimar und darüberhinaus | 19:00, 90 min | ETI-Seminarraum | Bastian Bittorfweimar.freifunk.net |
Autokonfig, Autoupdate, Automonitoring, Selbstheilung & Optimierung | coming soon |
live auf Radio Blau in Leipzig: Rundfreifunk #110 | 19:00, 120 min | Aus den Räumen der Raumstation übers Internet ins Freie Radio | Rund.Freifunk Leipzig |
Eine Stunde live-Freifunk-Eindrücke senden. Wer mitmachen will sei gern willkommen! | Terminliste für "Aufzeichnungen" am Samstag |
live on Radio Corax in Halle: Sendung für die vernetzte Welt #15 | 19.00, 60 min | From Raumstation through Internet to Free Radio | tmk, papabaer, André, kns, n3phr0n, ufo und Stationsnutzer |
free wireless, free radiostations, free broadcasting, self-made streaming solutions, your topics | Available at Sendungsarchiv |
The biohazard of coupling PGP with OLSR - the web of trust plug-in and its defects | 20:00, 45 min | ETI-Seminarraum | Clauz & ZioPRoTo | here | |
OLSR mDNS Plugin - Service Discovery in Community Mesh Networks | 21:00, 60 min | ETI-Seminarraum ? | ZioPRoTo & Clauz (Ninux.org) | We are doing a demo with two Fonera connected on the olsr.freifunk.net network | Download here |
Making funny things with Freifunk / OpenWRT | 22:00, 60 min | ETI-Seminarraum | Stefan (Terminal.21, Freifunk Halle) |
Kleine Spielereien mit Freifunk-Technik und OpenWRT über Freifunk hinaus. Wozu nutzt ihr Freifunk ohne Freifunk? Welche spannenden Ansätze ergeben sich daraus? Interaktiv, stellt eure Projekte vor. | download |
Sunday 24 May Program
You can add workshops and panels if you want to give one
Name/Title | Time/Duration | Location | Done by | Notes | presentation Download |
Social Networking and Local Strategies or |
13:42, 40 min | ETI-Seminarraum or mainhall | elias, keks, alx + you | Some ways to get access to public places, how did you do it? Ideas of Freifunk - Use - Cases (FUC), Share your experience, concepts | coming soon |
Community Track /WLAN Community Kiezfunk.net | 14:23, 23 min | elias | What's new? | coming soon | |
meshCube flash Session | 16:00, ... | mainhall | DanielP, JuergeN, ulf_k, cven and jow flashing, André-H and Tmk cutting audio in background |
We want to update our cubes to a current kamikaze version | |
Good Bye | 18:00, 10 min | riversite | cven and everyone, chill & grill |
Closing ceremony and thanks to the organizers |
ad hoc workshops
all the ad-hoc workshops will take place in the seminar room
mainhall hackcenter (Irgendwo an einem Tisch)
- Evening Get together, BBQ and creative commons music
Could someone install a Streaming Server for the WCW?
- Audio yes, video no sorry (Stefan)
- Audio Streaming via Icecast2 + oggvorbis (Rundfreifunk, Leipzig)
- Outdoor-Webcam (RUndfreifunk, Leipzig)
we are live at local radio-stations in Halle und Leipzig at saturday, starting at 7pm. Check www.radioblau.de or www.radiocorax.de
Hacknight wishlist
pleasen add your wishes here
- the planet
- everything that controlls us
Please tag with: freifunk, wcwberlin2009, wcw, wireless community weekend, wcw2009, wcw09
Add social services here please
- irc://irc.freenode.de/#c-base
- irc://irc.fu-berlin.de/#freifunk (IRCnet)
- irc.fu-berlin.de
- irc.tu-ilmenau.de
- england: uk.ircnet.org
- places for selected guests
press service
Presseanfragen an das Redaktionsteam von freifunk.net bitte über das Kontaktformular. In der Regel beantworten wir Anfragen innerhalb von 24 Stunden. For press enquiries please use our contact form. We will usually answer within 24 hours.
Press Review
- Please refer to: Medienspiegel
More Resources
- News about freifunk and the community in the blog blog.freifunk.net.
- Videos and TV coverage at video.freifunk.net.
- Syndicated Freifunk-Blogs from all over the world global.freifunk.net.
- Ninux.org Blog [1]
see also
- Please add Media Coverage of the event into the Medienspiegel