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The are a variety of the Firmware. The differences are important to understand.

default & default_4MB (no-tunnel)
Ideally, every Freifunker who has extra bandwith would offer this capacity to other users. Someone who offers an open wifi network can neither be fined nor made legaly responsible for other people's internet usage (see §8 (3) Telemediengesetz).
The default image does not forward the Freifunk traffic through a tunnel (VPN). Instead all traffic goes directly out to the Internet. Those who decide to offer Internet without a tunnel, and still receives a fine, can either use the Abmahnbeantworter ( or contact the Förderverein (
For more information on your rights, see
The 4MB Image does not have enough space for B.A.T.M.A.N. and collectd (the statistics at die Statistiken in
Directly allowing the Freifunk traffic to go over ones own Internet connection was difficult in Germany because of liability laws. The legal situation changed in 2017 for the better, but still there are insecurities which not every Freifunker is willing to face. To remove these insecurities and to isolate the Freifunk traffic from ones own Internet connection, the Freifunk-Community Berlin created a tunneling solution.
With this Image, the traffic will go over the Community-Tunnel (VPN) to the Internet.
In case you want to share your Internet, it is recommended to apply for a VPN key at ahead of time since processing can take a few days.
vpn03 (deprecated)
In 2011, the Förderverein Freie Netzwerke e.V. created the first VPN03 instance to work around the constanly growing dangers of the time. The legal situation changed in 2017 for the better. For the Förderverein, the motiviation to operate VPN03 fell away and the Förderverein decided at the end of 2016 to shut down their VPN infrasctucture.
With this image, the traffic will go over the VPN03-Server (VPN) of the Freie Netzwerke e.V. to the Internet.
This image functions with the old VPN certificates only until mid May 2018. Afterwards the service will be shut off.
backbone & backbone_4MB
The image for those whoch want to configure everything manually. The Assistant and OpenVPN are not included, instead more netowrk debugging tools are available.
The 4MB image does not have enough space for collectd (the statistics at