Zur Navigation springenZur Suche springengeneral problems
- water in antenna cables
- olsrd died
- layer-1 degration
- BSSID split
- unexplainable packet loss due to driver problems
- routingloops
- bad ad-hoc short distance links
- is link bad because of bad HF or of bad of long distance
- too much traffic on good link
- broadcast traffic eating up all available bandwith
- it just does not work (needs clarification)
- internet is slow
- path to uplink bad
- uplink overloaded
- firmware too old
- asymetric routing
- connection breaks for 5-10 seconds
backbone node problems
- neighbourhood changed, this should never occour
- how to diagnose
- action:
- snapshot of hosts routing table and neighbours routing table.
- snapshot of olsr internal routing database/topo of host and neighbours
- full route to HNA?